So here we are, already a week spent with Mike, Danny and Cy at their wonderful abode in pretty sunny Los Angeles, a stupendously surreal seven days where a crazy amount of stuff i'v grown up and grown older seeing on television, movies and in music, is suddenly in front of us for real. People do skateboard back from the pub, as well as skate around with portable amps attached to them, playing guitar as they coast by the shops along the seafront at Venice beach, where, think of anything and there's a T shirt for it...Botox on the beach anyone? It's a mixture of
people working their beautiful bodies out on the beach as others buy and gorge on too many tacos; this, I tell you, is why there are so many people over a certain weight here. The food here is just so damned good and there is always plenty of it.

Beverly hills, Sunset strip, huge billboards with huge Oprah's, Natalie Portman, The Beatles...that Hollywood sign up in the hills, it feels like about time! At last! Here it is, this is where i've always dreamed of coming.
Mike took me out to a bar where the locals buy lottery tickets which are drawn every Tuesday night. A number is picked and called out, but if the holder isn't present they lose out, someone calls them up and the entire bar shouts "Loser!" at them as the prize is passed on to some other lucky winner, who has bothered to turn out. We ended this night with chilli dogs and burgers at a diner on the way home. See what I mean?

We met a guy at a Forbidden planet type Sci Fi store he runs, who wouldn't shut up. He just wouldn't let us leave, giving us a very odd version of Dalek origin. He must be watching Doctor Who in a parallel universe, because according to him, the Daleks were originally humans and the rich were fighting the poor. Doctor Skaros started cutting their heads off and putting them into these machines and that's the daleks and they really ought to be fighting those potato heads,(Sontarans) that'd be neat...

Incidentally, found out that Mick Karn, former bassist with Japan, lost his battle to cancer on Jan 4th. I had "Life in Tokyo" going round in my head only last week...
Oskar, super excited about his oncoming eighth birthday. Both he and Nastassja seem to be loving it here and are enjoying having Cy for company. They are currently out on a bike ride with Liz and Danny. Mike has gone off to college (yea, sure) leaving me free to wander around their bungalow, looking through their drawers and to continue pinching myself to make sure this is all really happening...

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