Mike; "So Bob, you're dragging Oskar on a forty five minute bus ride with you, on a pilgrimage to worship Genesis at the Shrine Auditorium? Lucky kid!!"
Immortalised by Genesis in January 1975, when they played their, ' Lamb lies down on Broadway' set in it's entirety, The Shrine in L A is where it was at.

A cassette of a bootleg recording of this concert became an extremely firm fave of young Bob and partner in 'cryme' Mark Farrelly, way, way back in the days when any sexual contact with a girl was still a wet dream.

"As though Emerald City," helped ease the pain and frustration.
The real purpose of today's visit is a comic book convention...it's just me and the boy. We arrive and join a small queue of people waiting to go in. Two eight dollar entrance fees later and we're wandering around a huge hall full of people selling comic and movie memorabilia, sets of bubblegum cards, figurines, badges, film soundtracks...some guy from Star Wars was doing a signing session, though we didn't hang around for him. There were boxes and boxes of old porn mags at only a dollar a piece. One of them was called Genesis.
Eventually, Oskar bought a Dare Devil figure, by which time we'd had enough and so left to pursue an eating experience of some kind. As I looked up from my plate of really much too hot, spicy rice,(at the rice and noodle place we'd settled on) I caught sight of some people outside, across the street.
" Oskar, those people out there, are they wearing Jedi gear?"
" I think so "dad".
Oh. We've crossed that line.

Mike and Danny very kindly put up with us for nine very pleasant days and nights and though little Cy Cucher, their son of three and the real boss of the house, is an extremely reliable alarm clock, we all slept in the room next to his, enjoying the best slumber we'd had since leaving Buckfast road months before. Big thanks to all three of 'em, for a week of gorging ourselves on Taco's, frankfurters, curries, countless bottles of Stellar Artois...we had a fine walk up to a waterfall and had a picnic next to a backdrop which surely must have featured in many old cowboy movies, we laughed lots, saw the Hollywood sign in the hills for real, met Darth Vader and a rough looking Marilyn Monroe, had more taco's and then wobbled up to Avis car hire to rent a car large enough to carry us along on the next part of our journey.

Heading now in the direction of San Francisco, following the coastal roads, looking for that Motel 6 sign, this is it Rael! Geronimo! And however you spell that Tarzan yell.
Location:Culver City, Los Angeles
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