Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Motel 6, Morrow Bay

..." Ok so that's two queen size beds...would you like to add Wi-Fi sir? The Taco Bell is just a short walk under the bridge...there's free coffee in the morning from 7.30...hope you all enjoy your stay, just drive around this corner here and your room is 130..."

In the morning after that coffee, we stop off at a nearby beach lured by a possibility of Peregrine Falcons...we may very well have seen some, but we wouldn't really know.

Breakfast in town is at Kitty Kitchen. Pancakes, Osk is on the blueberry, Stash on something called Dollar pancakes, I had a deliciously satisfying bowl of chilli and Liz ate the kids leftovers.

In search of some stamps, Oskar keeps running past us twenty yards and getting down to some press ups. Everytime we catch him up he repeats this...

We drove down to the harbour and caught sight of a seal in the water, swimming between the boats moored down there.

Took turns driving along Number one road which stretches on for miles, following the coast...it is mighty pretty! As are some of the animals that live alongside a stretch of beach we pull over to after a couple of hours. It turns out to be birthing season for the Elephant Seals who live here. Already excited having spotted four large males basking their tits off in the sun, we walk a little further to another stretch where literally hundreds of these things were lying around, mothers with their pups and males doing their thing, trying to prove themselves. This is one of the most beautiful sights we have seen...the males ain't so pretty, but the whole thing has still got us pinching ourselves.

Our next stop is at Big Sur.

It's late afternoon when we get there and Stash in particular, is not impressed that I have just paid for a nice trek along a nature trail to a waterfall...and most of it's up hill. I try and make it known that I'm not very happy with me either but it does little to thwart the Teenage in her, prematurely rising up to make bad vibe.

Luckily the walk wasn't that bad after all and the waterfall was nice. There was a slight possibility of a brush with one of the Mountain Lions who live up there,
( apparently they're especially drawn to children) so Oskar took a stick along just in case.
All made it back safely to watch " Shallow Hal " tucked up in bed at El Castell Motel, Monterey.

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