"Mister Bob,if you don't mind,when we finish I take you to beautiful cave,many stalagtites and stalagmites,good meeting place,many people go there".
The words of Christianos,17,on our bus journey to the boat on Monday,which already seems like a lifetime ago.Instead,post-4 day suicide boat stupidity,we've opted for a day doing Jack ship.
Yes,two of those nights aboard the good boat Mona Lisa,especially the 19 hour journey on day two,are up there with just about the scariest things i'v ever done.Ever.How the boat did not capsize I will never know,but hey,it didn't and when it was good it was wonderful!Met some great people,drank some good Bingtang with them,got sunburned on deck with them,ate lots of rice and noodles with them,we saw shiploads of dragons together,slept with each other under one roof for 3 nights and when it came to an end,we felt sad to be leaving them.
Bonus material,Arjen and Maaetje,another couple on the boat,turned out to be booked into the same hotel as us,so we took a bemo,had showers and went into town for dinner together.Later we were joined by two of the other guys,Frank and Oliver from France,which capped things off nicely.

Currently sat on our hotel balcony looking down on Labuan Bajo.You can see our boat from here.More of that call for prayer stuff colouring the air and a photocopied sign on the wall next to the edge of the balcony;Don't step on the roof(you'll fall through).

Oh man,a mature cheese and pickle sandwich on crusty white bread,please!!

We fly back to Bali tomorrow and after that we.........Zzzzzzzz

Location:Labuan bajo