Check out Khogan's dodgy Thai haircut! Talking of which I think Bob forgot to mention that in Indonesia Oskar was given a Mohawk? we didn't ask for it (it doesn't really notice when it's flat).
So goodbye Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia and thanks for some fab times:
Batik class in Indonesia - Stash was a natural, me and Osk were not nearly so neat or patient!
Petrol stations look like this:
Fun by the food stalls:
I loved Indonesia, it is an amazing beautiful place and I am sorry we did not have time to go to Borneo or Sumatra to see the Orangutans (although the ones at Singapore Zoo were amazing), but I will not miss the constant feeling of are being skanked: 4hr waits for buses to leave, paying for 4 seats and only getting 3, being massively overcharged for absolutely everything by absolutely everyone! And I will definitely not miss the 4am call to prayer: .... No, I do not think praying is better than sleep!
Khogan's hair's sooooooo cute there!