Tuesday 26 October 2010


Vivienne Dalton runs the cat re homing programme for the RSPCA from her home in Newport pagnell.  Covering the whole of the North Bucks area and often taking in as many as 40 stray and unwanted cats at a time, she relies on the help of volunteers to assist with the feeding, cleaning, trapping and various other tasks essential to keep things running.
I first met Vivienne in 1994  - having joined Cardiacs, winter '93 and finding myself with a fair bit of spare time on my hands I began working alongside Vivienne and for that first wonderful year it was pretty much full time.  I fostered many, many cats and kittens in that period from '94 to '99 when I moved to the smoke.

So there we were, Liz, me and the kids, Vivienne and her husband Barry, post Gin and Tonics, having dinner on the beach at a restaurant a walk away from their glorious pad in Samui - bizzare!
We were only able to stay 2 nights, thanks to a very short Thai visa, but we managed to drink a few more of those G&T's, talking old times next to the infinity pool overlooking the sea.

The house is something else - surrounded by towering majestic palm trees. The Beckhams have one just along the beach.
Saw buffalo being taken for their daily walk along the beach.

 Next stop Bangkok!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vivienne, Barry (long time no see) & family Leith! How lovely to have familiar company. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the sunshine. It's pretty depressing skies over here. Your garden will be happy though.

