9th Feb 2011, Wilmington, somewhere near Philadelphia...
Days Inn Receptionist..."ok,i just need your ID"...(is handed Bob's driving mugshot)..."WHAT KIND OF POSE IS THAT?"
Bob replies something like, "oh I dunno, my gay pose?"
"Your what pose?"
Liz pipes up with, " he always pulls faces in photo's"...
"I just hate those fridge magnet photo's, that's just Bollocks", reasons Robert
"heck yea, why be normal?" Retorts the firm, fine figured black lady sarcastically, "and I suppose you stuck with this one for keeps huh?" She chuckles to Liz, " least you'll always have laughter, that's a huge thing!"
Aah, ain't that nice. As we get the door of our latest motel room open, Liz mutters something like, "yea, she wouldn't be saying that if she'd seen you half an hour ago"...
Lunch has been an exquisite visit to a wonderful Indian, whose flavours have excited and left us feeling completely content. Life is worth living. It's freezing, there is snow shovelled from paths and into piles, but it's ok. We're still on holiday, still free of all the crap, we still have a few more Motels yet, we still have New York City to come! Free...just.

Nastassja is sat in her new black hooded top, cutting around something she's putting in her diary she's been keeping. Actually, both she and little bruv have been keeping diary entries, he is also working on his Washington DC entry! (Also in a new black hoodie)
Air and Space was Oskar's fave museum. Stash dosnt know. Liz is Starting to sort through the kids toy bags and cases, ready for the final chapter. Anything they don't love one hundred and ten percent, isn't going to make it to New York, let alone back to our home planet. Keep an eye on them things kids, I've seen her in action before...
Nastassja has been saving the last couple of hundred pages of her book,"Breaking Dawn" till the end of this journey. She's been reading through all the books in the 'Twilight' series and loves them so much, she dosnt want the experience to end, so she's put this, the final book, to one side and has been busying herself with another series of books to help fight off temptation. I think she's quite looking forward to getting back to England, as is Oskar, Liz too. I just want to go back to Siem Reap and start it all over again...it would be amazing to have a few beers with Tina again! Dollar! Tanya and Mr. Lady!
Moquito repellant is being binned, along with the coils we no longer have any use for. Liz is also threatening to lose her swimming costume...

The day after tomorrow, we hand back the keys to 6NEM901, our faithful travel machine for our time in America, God bless her!!